Blog Archive

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Virtual Gift for Ella

Dear Ella,
Merry Christmas! I am going to give you a virtual gift. I will give you some hints. It is small, soft, little, cute, and fluffy. Here are some more hints. You can sleep with it at night. You can have one as a pet. Some have short hair, some have long hair, some have rough hair, and some have soft hair. They like carrots, lettuce, and hay. Can you guess what it is?

Your friend,


Anonymous said...

Dear Makayla,
I think the virtual gift you gave was a rabbit. And thank you.

MakaylaS said...

Dear Ella,
GOOD THINKING! Did you know that rabbits like hay as much as horses? I have a pet rabbit named Miley and she loves hay. Hope you have a good Christmas.

Your friend