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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Run away Turkey

I don't want to be a turkey in a Thanksgiving feast. If I were I would try to jump out of the window. It would be hilarious. I would take the corn with me for lunch.

my turkey escape

For my escape it's really hard to explan. First he act's he's hurt and then he run's. He got caught. Then he pecks the guy that got him. He got away.


If I was a Turkey with a plan to escape to becoming a Thanksgiving feast the plan would be #1. lay on the table. #2. act like your dead. #3. when their ready to put you in the oven............JUMP OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats my plan:):)

The turky escape.

If I was a turkey and I was going to be eaten this is how I would escape. I would peck my self out if the farmer sees me I would run in the pin and hide. Then I get out and run away somewhere faraway. Then I would be safe at last then I could make a family.

Almost A Turkey Dinner :(

Oh no it's Thanksgiving Thursday! I'm a turkey and I'm gonna be the meal. Unless I have plan so I've got to think of something fast. Ok, If someone finds me and I see them then when they shoot I'll dunk and then I'll run away and both of of us will be fine. He will still have food and I won't be ATE!


If I were a turkey I would escape. My plan is to run in circls. It would be a good plan. It would make peaple disey.

If I wer a turkey :)

If I weir a turkey I wouldn't want to get eaten for thanksgiving. So I would want to make a plan to escape. I would hide behind a tree and tuck my head in so no one could see the red on my neck. But if that duint work I would hide in the bran, and I would hide in a ball of hey. Till he is gone. I'm thankful that worked!


If I was a turkey and I was trying to escape I would run and jump into a tree.shhh I will come down .shhh I have an idea I will go in a barn and go in the dirt. I will look scary now I will put green paint in my hair. now I will go to him boo boo boo by by

weres that turkey?

1: I would fly hi. 2: I would cover myself with grass. 3: I would go into a bush. 4: I would run.

What would the plan be?

My plane would be that I would try to fly up a tree and hide in it and see if I was clear and if I was going to run away!!! I would be really happy if I got away but I would be sad if I got caut because I would be dinner