Blog Archive

Thursday, April 26, 2012

If I dropped a cookie jar

If I dropped a cookie jar I would blame it on all of the ants in our house.  I would do that because they would probably want the cookies more than I do.  Also because I don't want to get in trouble.  Also, here's a tip:  If you break something that is speacil to someone, blame it on someone or something around you.


If I droped a cookie jar I would blame it on the dog.  I would say: I was trying to get the dog out of  the house.  Mom would probably believe me because my dog comes in my house and knocks things over.  Mostly when we give him a bath.

If i bork a cookie

If i borkecookie jar.I would be sad.My mom would be sad. All the cookie jars are my moms.We would all be sad if i borke a cookie jar.

Dropped a cookie jar.

If I dropped a cookie jar I would be in trouble.  But I would not if I glue it.  But I would have to glue millions of pieces.  I would have glass in my feet a lot of glass.

Cookie Jar

If I broke the cookie jar I would pick up the cookies.  I might throw them away.  I might put them in a differnt cookie jar.  Or I might share the cookies with a freind.  After I clean them of.


If I broke a cookie jar I would not have any cookies.   They would be in  broken glass.  You would have no cookies.  It would be the end of the world.

If I dropped a cookie jar

If I dropped a cookie jar I would go get a new one just like the one that I dropped. I would also put cookies in it to make it look like it ever happend. It would be bad if I did. So I would never drop a cookie jar.

If I broke the cooke jarr

If I broke the cooke jar I would clean it up. I would say sorry.And replace it. And make a paper flower.

The cookie Jar

One day I knocked over my cookie jar.  "I broke it" I said.  My mom said "You broke what"?  The cookie jar but I will fix it.  I grabbed my dads' super glue.  I glued it back together.  I was so glad.


If I dropped a cookie jar it would be broken. Then I'd run around and act crazy.  I would not like breaking a jar.  That would be awful if I did break a jar.

I Dropped The Cookie Jar

If I dropped the cookie jar I would pick them up and put them in a bag. I would blame it on my sister becuse she is my enmey. I would glue it back together. I would eat them all.