I want to be a dortor because it would be fun to be a dortor.I will like to be a dortor. I hope to be a dortor. Iwill like being a dortor.I thaik it will be fun.
Wene I grow up I want to be a artist that is why I put this pic up.I love to paint it is my hobby. I go to art class to.It is just like panting a wall.
When I'm older,I'd like to be a singer. I want to be like Taylor Swift. Her music is pop\country mix. I want to do that. I think that would be AWESOME. Pick For pic From 123rf.com
Pic from etc.usf.edu . When I get out of any kind of school I will be an acrobat. So when I grow up I'll be an acrobat. I love what I'm gonna be when I grow up.
When I grow up I want to be a teacher. I love to teach. That's why I want to be a teacher. Plus I want to have a active board in my classroom.
When I'm older,I'd like to be a coal miner. I wunt to help produce enrage for the world. My dad works their so I wunt to. I like to get dirty so it will be a good job for me. pic form Komatsuaamerica.com
When I grow up I want to be a football star. Football can be dangerous but not always to me its not. Football is a fun and hard sport. You get sweaty all the time its hard work.
Pics from graphicsdezign.com
When I'm older, I'd like to be a car racer. I can beat the speed limet. I can win a trophy.