Blog Archive

Friday, December 13, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Well we have REALLY been trying to play catch up lately due to all those snow days.  But, I'm excited to say that today we sent our epals their VIRTUAL Christmas gifts (a friendly letter with a description of a gift we would give if we could).  Can't wait to see if they guess the gifts in our descriptions!

When we came in the classroom this morning we found a note with Bill the Elf saying that we are all on the NAUGHTY list! Bill had gotten into our project supplies, made a mess, and made "coal" for each of us from Santa.  So....we wrote persuasive letters to Santa today to try to get back on the NICE list.  Hopefully on Monday we will find out that we are!

Mystery Reader Friday!

Our mystery reader did a fantastic job reading Arthur's Christmas!!!