Blog Archive

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blue Cotton Candy for a Blue Ribbon School!

Blue Cotton Candy and 50s Day!


I learned a lot about paleontoligists. I know that tooth brushes can be used to brush dust off fossils. I think that is really cool. There was a nice girl her name is beautiful. Her name is Jennifer. Isn't that beautiful? Also be serious because I am!

George Washington Blabber

Abe Licoln

Abe Lincon Blabber


Dinosaurs are special dinosaurs. The are extinct. There is a dodo bird. It eats acorns and nuts. The dodo bird could not fly. So they were easy to catch. and there were some pepole and pirates that came to the land and capcerd them. Some animals messed up there nests. The T Rex is a main pretitors. It eats meat.


I lerad about foiss. I lerad about diosis.I leard that a diosis when it dies afer a few weeks. Diois can be a foisis.

Fossils & dinosaurs

We got to talk to payaliontallegest. It was awsome We learned many facts about dinosaurs. My fact was how big the mammath was. They were from canada, I think that is cool. It was funny because they showed us dropings!


We saw a part of a Dino foot. We saw droppings. But they were hard. We saw T.Rex bones! We saw a stuffed do do bird. We saw a giant slaw.

Distance learning

Doedoe birds eat nuts. Woolly mammaths are 13 feet tall. People brought stuff that killed doedoe birds. Dinosaurs are reptiles.

Dinosaurs are awsum

I know that dinosaurs are extinct becuse a comet hit the earth. Some dinosaurs were towering gaints. Others were as small s a chicken. Dinos lay eggs. Other dino eats the eggs. Some hervabors travel in herds. When the hervabors move. The carnavors move. Dinosaurs didn't apeer till the end of the tracicc. Some dinos lived in the sea. There are more dinps than you think.


Fossils can come in diferent shapes and sizesJustify Full. To be a payaliontallegest you have to stay in college for about seven or eight years! you can go on fossil websites.


Some paleontologist use toothbrushes to wipe away the dirt. The littlest dinosaur is as big as a chicken. Some Museums bore stuff from the dentist. Oh ya. The littlest dinosaur may of had feathers like a chicken! The Museum in California has 3 or more T Rexes. That's it about dinosaurs. Comment.


We learned that dinosaurs have been extint for about 55million years. Dinosaurs died because an astroid hit the earth and there was so much dust that it coverd the sun for weeks and it got so cold alot of dinosaurs died and a few lived. About 25million years after that happend thats when mammals took over. Then some weird animals from the ice age died mammaths are just frozen so there still alive.


There was a dinosaur the size of a chicken. It was ten inches tall. Bracheosarus was way, way, way, way, way, taller than us. I learned that there were animals before dinosaurs.

Our Second Grade Distence Learning!!

Today our class 2ND grade did distance learning at school. It was really cool. We saw all kinds of fossils. We even saw fossil droppings. It was really gross. But it was just a fossil. For some reason I thought it was the fossil brain. That was a weird thought.


On Friday I wint to a distins lrning program. We got to ask qushton min was"How do you get the feet out of the ground"? The host was Jin. It was the best time in my life!!!!!!