Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We have a new pet in our class. His name is Seventeen. He is black and he rolls in a ball. The whole class likes him.


My mom and dad are helpful for me. And the nice to me. they take good care of me. and the very nice to me.

Seventeen our class pet Hamster!!!!!!

Our class Hamsters' name is Seventeen. We named him that because our teachers' son Parker keeps on forgetting to say Seventeen when he is counting. He goes like......16...18.....19.....20. It's really funny.

Our hamster Seventeen.

Our hamster seventeen is just a baby. He is a funny hamster he spins on his wheel sometimes. he sleeps at day alot. He goes in his ball at inside recess.

Seventeen our Hamster

Seventeen is our hamster. He is so cute. We like to let him out in his little ball. He is a brownish blackish. He likes to climb up his little tube. All of our classmates think he is cute. He eats a lot of food. He also drinks a lot of water. We all like him!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Sevennteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a class pet it is a hamster. His name is SevenCheck Spellingnteen he is a good litle hamster. He is black and small. He sleeps about.


The hamster lives in are class.He is a nice hamster his name is seventeen. He is a good hamster he is very nice. He is a little hamster .


We got a new pet hamster. His name is seventeen. Isn't it a funny name? His cage looks fun. His cage is colorful. He is a boy.


Seventeen is the class pet hamster. He likes to bite a lot. Today I got to feed him and give him water. He was a sleep so I didn't get bit. He never runs on his wheel. He likes to eat. He drinks sometimes. He can go up a tube and he nibbles on something honestly I have no idea what it is I think it's his nail but I'm not sure.


Seventeen is our class pet. I was the first to feed him. On Fridays we haved to clean his cage. He's really cuite.


Seventeen is are new hamster! I now what your thinking but his name is Seventeen for a reason Mrs. Knust has a son named Parker. He can not remember the number Seventeen. So to help him remember the number seventeen.

Taking Care of Seventeen

Seventeen is our class pet. He is a hamster. The leader has to water it every day. He loves a virility of food.his name is Seventeen because Pacer says 16, 18,.


Seventeen is our hamster. He's a cute hamster. we let him go in his ball and run around. And sometimes he gets out of the classroom. He is nocternull. He runs on his running weel. He sleeps in his igloo alot. We chang his water every day. We give him food every day. He are friend.