Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Ways to keep healthy are simple. All you have to do is eat good and jog for 50 mines a day.
It is so fun and very easy. I am 7 and I can do it. You can too. You are amazing.

Healthy bodies

You should think about what you eat before you eat junk food that's bad for your teeth. I think this is the kind of food you need to be healthy. You should be eating apples, grapes, bananas, cucumbers and pears. If you eat good and you exercise you'll be a good b-ball player a good soccer player. There is plenty of things you can do if you eat right and exercise well. Here is what not to eat cup cakes, cake, zebra cakes chocolate chip cookies you shouldn't eat all that sugar.

be healthy

To healthy eat all kinds of fruit. Eat berry's and drink water. Eat vegetables and greens. after that brush your teeth. Then go to bed.

How Healthy?

To stay healthy you can drink water. You can also eat fiber cereal. It's good to be healthy. I like being healthy.

How to git healthy

I no how to be healthy! I will eat a apple apples are realy good! Ornges are good for you to eat. First I will eat a apple and then I will eat a ornge. And that is a good way to be healthy!

To keep Healthey

What makes you healthey you ask? Well I will tell you what makes you healthey. What makes you healthy is like eating healthy food. So don't sit around and eat junk, sit around and eat right! Healthey food the way to keep you safe!

Healthy Stuf

You nead to protect yourself . Wear your helmet wen you ride your bike. Never play with a knife or mathes. Never do grugs.


Vegetables make me healthy. Even doctor's make me healthy. I even like fruits. What do you like?

Healty Me

I'm happy being healthy.. It's good being healthy. I'll eat healthy food. I'll do healthy things.

Play an hour a day

A way you can stay healthy is to eat froot's and heathy snak's. You can exsersise. You can stop playing vidio game's. You can help beld stuff.


A way you can stay healthy is by eating fruit and drinking milck. And be drug free. have a doctor check you.

Healthy Food!

A thang that makes me healthy is strawberries. Strawberries make you stronger and healthy. Brocle is healthy to. Do you like healthy food?