Monday, February 28, 2011
The afternoon.
The best part of my day is the afternoon. Some lunch Is good. That is my fav. My time of the day.
The best hour of the day.
The best hour of the day is science. I like the hour of science because we learn a lot. It makes you smart. That's why I like it.
The Best Hour of the Day
The best hour of the would be noon. Because if its Saturday or Sunday after church I can play on my Computer. Its really fun. Sometimes in the summer I like to swim in the pool.
Math Time
Math time is when we do math. I like math to do problems. We can do lots of problem by our self. We check our problems.
24 hours
The best hour is 24 hours cause that's in a day too! I love that number because it is the biggest number. I also love it because it is the longest hour. that's my story.
Favorite Hour
my favorite hour of the day is ressess it is fun. you can do any thing you like. there are slides too I bet that is your favorite hour to. it is so fun. now you what I like thank you for reading.
The Best Hour of the Day.
I think the best hour of the day is 11:00 that is lunch time yum. Lunch is my favorite time of the day. I love Lunch time. What is your favorite time of the day?
The Best hour
The best hour of the day is 12 o'clock. Cause it is half in the day. Also because it is lunch time. Also because dinner time.
Favorite Hour of the Day!!!
My favorite hour of the day is hour from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. I like them because they are the hours of the school days! I also like them because I get to see all my friends, Mrs. Knust, and sometimes special people. Everybody loves these hours. I love them so much!
The Best Hour
The best hour of the day is school time! I like the hour of school. I like learning things. I like 5minute tests.
best hour of the day!!!
I think the best hour of the day is night. I love night. It is awesome. It is cool
The Best Hour of the Day
I think the best hour of the day is 12. I like 12 because it is lunch time. I always eat at lunch. I'm always hungry. I love to eat.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Bugs Me
Some thing that rely bugs me is my big sister she is all ways in my way. She doesn't help me with homework or Indy thing. It is nice to have some one around thou but she is nice times and that's what bugs me.
The Peps that Bug my.
My big bother and my little sister. They bug my like crazy. My big bother kicked me once. It heart for an hour.
Something That Bugs Me.
Something that bugs me is killing animals. If you kill to much of it the world could die and nothing will survive. You do not that to happen. Duos it bug you?
The Thing That Bugs Me
The thing that bugs myself is that someone made fun of me. It really hurts my feelings. She did to my Justin Beiber shirt today. That wasn't nice.
Something that really bugs me
Something that really bugs me is my sister. Cause they brake stuff. It is awning. They would dester stuff.
Something That Bugs Me is.
Something that bugs me is my big brothers Trevor, Lane, Zach, Landan, and Logan. They are annoying and always want to do something like ride bikes while I am playing video games and I have to stop in the middle of the best level. I hate having four brothers because sometimes it gets really annoying and we all fight over Black Ops, Red Dead Redemption, and Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. That is why they bug me so much.
you bug me
Riley bugs me. I am tied of Riley buging me. Riley bugs me so much. Riley has bug me so much it is pay back time.
The sister that bugs me!!!
What really bugs me is my sister. Every time I want to play a game she want`s to play. It is not cool. it is not fun.
The Thing That bugs Me
My sister always talks. She never stops. It bugs me so much. I hate it when she talks.
Something that Bugs me
Something that bugs me is homework. Its boring. But I have to do it. Homework isnt fun.
Something That Bugs Me
A gnat bugs me. It bugs me when I sleep. I could not sleep last night. I slap it
out of my room.
out of my room.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Favorite Sport
I like Basketball. I like it because you get to dribble the ball and make shots. I like to watch track. I like to watch it because my brother runs in the meets
Football and Rugbe.
My favorite sport is Football and to watch Rugby. Football is fun. You can takle in football,be a runningback,QB,and get heart. Rugby is fun to.
My Favorite Sport to Watch and Favorite Sport to Play!
I like to watch basket-ball because Paul Peirce made SEVEN slam dunks in the 1st quarter of the allstar game. Basket ball makes you fast, speedy, and quite. I love to play football because it's a fun game with tackling, running, and passing. The two parts of football is the is Defense and Offense. I love to watch and play them both.
My favorite sport to play is soft ball nit is very fun you should try it to. My favorite sport to watch is foot ball. It is fun to watch too. Soft ball and foot ball is rely cool.
My sport!!!
My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. It is fun. I love baseball.
My favorite sport
My favorite sport to play is soccer. It is veary. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. It was cool.
The Sport I Like to Play
I played Basket Ball for a while. I was pretty good. I like to watch Basket Ball on TV. One time I seen Justin Bieber play Basket Ball on TV.
My Favorite Sport
My favorite sport to play is softball!!! Softball is so much fun! I like softball because it has a real bat and you actually get to hit things. I love hurting lings that don't live. This one time I hit a foul ball and I don't know how but it came back and hit me right in the face!!! It hurt but itt was still fun:)!!
My Favorite Sport
I like to play baseball. I think I'm really good at it. My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I like to watch it because sometimes I get prizes they throw up in the stands. Sometimes I can catch a ball.
My Favorite Sport
I like to play soccer. I like to play soccer because I get to be goally and get to rest on the bench. I like to run and kick the ball into the goal. I have to pass the ball to one on my team.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Skype with Hunter's Mom
What is th Benefits and drawbacks of Riding Bike?
The benefits are #1. it will not pollute the earth. #2. It's a go transportation. The drawbacks #1. It can hart you. #2. It can hart the earth also.
Bad Things and Good Things In A Story
In the story that I am reading is to fairys go out to the sea and was floating in a glass jar heeding to a sharks mouth. The shark spit them out and went to shore. A crab opened it and let them out. They flow back to there home.
Benefits and Drawbacks
I think that the benefit is that it is good for you. It gives you exersize. The drawback is that its hard work. If you go far.
From Place to Place
The benefits of riding a bike place to place is good because it will give you plenty of exercise. The drawbacks are if you don't know how to ride a bike your in trouble. I would ride a bike. Would you?
Riding a Bike
Riding a bike. You need safety now what are the benefits. one good rezone why is you need to wear a helmet. The bad is called drawbacks then if you don't care about safety. Thanks for reading good bye.
Benefits of Riding a Bike. Drawbacks of Riding a Bike.
If you ride a bike you can go without polluting the earth a lot. Some people ride bikes so they don't pollute the earth and some people ride them because it is fun. I love to ride my bike and try to help the earth be a better place in all seasons. My family and I ride bikes in the Summer so we get exercise, don't pollute, and have a whole lot of fun with the family. Some of the drawbacks are you can get hurt, pollute, and make the world a worse place which is very bad.
The Bad and Good stuff about Bikes.
One thing about riding a bike is you can fall and heart yourself. But one thing good is you can do tricks on it. Then there are hills hills are heard to get up. But you can pick a bike that you like. If you fall you head because you have a hamnet won't get heart unless you don't have a helmet.
The Bike Ride
What are benefits of riding a bike to get from place to place? What are drawbacks? First of all benefits are tips of riding a bike. Second of all is that drawbacks are something like a flash back and that is what I have to share with you.
The safe way to ride a bike and the unsafe way to ride a bike!!!
One way to ride a bike safely is to put on a helmet. A nother way is to watch where you are going. One way to ride a bike unsafely is not ride a road. It is unsafe.
The Good and Bad Things About Riding a Bike
The good things you can do on a bike is have a helmet on. Just so you don't get hurt. The bad things you can do is not have helmet on. You may get hurt.
What I Think benefits are
The good things about riding a bike is It does not population the air. It does not use gas. The bad things about riding a bike is you could get hit. you get hot to.
The Benefits of Riding a Bike
The benefits of riding a bike are it gives you exercise. It is fun to just go out and ride your bike. The drawbacks of riding a bike is it is really tiring. You could get hurt. You could get hurt really bad.
Monday, February 21, 2011
My favorite place to read.
I like to read in my room. It is quite in there. What is your favorite place to read? I like to read.
My Favorite Place To Read
I like to read chapter books so I can get to make my goal. I need to make it so I can make it to my goal. I like to read in the library and I also like to read at home and I like to read at school. I read every day and night.
Where I Like to Read
I like to read on my dads couch. Its really soft. I like to read long books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I like to read AR books.
A Quit place.
My favorite placee to read is my top bunk. It is the quitest place on earth. I puta sing on my door that says Do not enter. Then it is quit.
Favorite Place to Read
My favorite place to read is in the basement it is very quite. It is a nice place to read in there. You can read all you want down there. So if you ever want read just come to my place. See you later
My Favorite Place to Read
My favorite place to read is my bed room. I like reading there because it's always quite and it's where me and my friends are at when they come over. My brother Trevor likes reading there when he reads too. The book I'm reading is called THE NAME OF THIS BOOK IS SECRET?
My favorite place to read
My favorite place to read is my room. Cause it is quite. I can also lay down. It is convertible.
My favorite place to read!!!
My favorite place to read is the libary. It is quite there. That`s were you can read quitely. It is fun to read.
My Favorite Place
My favorite place to read is in my brothers empty room. It is very quiet in there. I like reading my books in there. One time I finished a whole chapter book in there and when I tested I got 100%.
I like to read on my bed. I like to read there because I can go under the covers. It is also very quiet in there. I like to read.
Where I Like to Read
I like to read in my room. On my bed. It is soft. I love to lay in my bed and read.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What do Animals need?
If you are going to a pet make sure you have everything. You need food,shelter and water. The most important of all is love pets need love lots and lots of love. That is what they need.
How To Take Care of Pets
They must have food, water, shelter,and sleep. You have to be a good owner to your pet. They have feelings too. You must take good care of your pets.
What you must have pet is food and water. They also need shelter to live in. They need sunshine too. thank you
My Favorite Pet
I have a pet named Rosebud and she likes me when I pet her. She likes me. I give her a treat. She follows me after I give her a treat.
Care for your pet
What are some things I must do in order to care for a pet? feed and water it. Give it love and care for it. You must give it a home and care for it. You can snugle with your pet.
Taking Care of a Pet.
We should order these things for a rabbit. Food, water, a cage, and some of that stuff you put in there cage for them so they do not get hurt. We have to give them love and care. Sometimes we get mad at our pets. But then we will love them even more than we did before.
My foaverite pet is !!!!
My favorite pet is spirit. She is a pertty little kitty cat. She is a outside cat. I love spirit.
Tacking care of animals!!!
One way who can take care of a animal is feed it. A nother way is water it. A nother way is give it a home. One more way is give it love.
Care For Your Pet
Dog's first of all need food, water, exercise, groomed, shelter, a caller, ID tag, taken to the vet and most of all LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! Now for cats care cats need food, water, exercise, groomed, shelter, a caller, ID tag, taken to the vet and most of all LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!
The Thing Pets Need
Animals need care. They have to be fed. They have to have water. They have to have a lot of love.
What to do to take care of a pet
You need to give them food. You need to give them shelter. You need to give them water. you need to give them exercise.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Hard Job
The president has a hard job to do. It is a hard job to stay keep up. It is hard to have lots of work to do. I might be a president.
The president's hardest job
I think the hardest job for the president is spending money. For like food. It seems hard. This topic was easy.
The Presidents Hardest Job
I think the Presidents hardest job is all of the paper work. It seems hard to be the President. I want to be the President some day. Even though it seems hard you can do it.
What is the Most Hardest Job that the President Has?
I think the hardest job the President has is provide service for the U.S.A. I think it is hard because You half to work for hundreds of people. I bet it is hard. Do you think it is hard? I do.
I think the Hardest tthing is Singing stuff.
I think it is singing things. he has to read a hole bunch of stuff. It takes a lot of reading to sing all his stuff. Obama is cool.
The Hard Job
The president hardest job is running a community. Its very hard to run a community and there is only the president to take care of it. That is all I have to say thank you.
The Presidents Hardest Job
I think the presidents hardest job would be doing the speeches. I would not want to go up there and do the speeches. I wander how big the white house is. I would never get up there and say just 1 speech.
The President's Job!
I think the president's hardest job is to do war. Some president's like George Washington got elected When he was in the Army. He worked really hard and got to be a great leader. He had to work and work. We honor all our president's
hard workers
Barack Obama is are president. He is a good person. He livs in the white house. how are you doing.
The hardest job!!!
I think the hardest job for the president is to make laws. I think they are hard to make. Why I think that because people break rules.
The thing the Presidents Hardest Job
I think the presidents hardest job is to most the stuff in the country. He has to run for president. He has to set out flyer's. He has to do a lot of stuff.
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Dream room.
If I could my very own dream room it would look as pretty. It would have purple walls with diamonds. The sealing would be black with diamonds. My bed would look very pretty too. It would be pink and purple the cover would be lime green. I think it would be so pretty. Do you think it would be pretty?
The dream room
I would like a casle for my room. Have prety flower's. A dog,pig,inething. Exspecialy a hot tub.
my dream room
My dream room has a big oh lasher tage room. I like my dream room. I will bring eny of my family in to my dream room if thay wont to. I will love my dream room for ever.
My Dream Room
I'm getting my dream room soon. It's going to be lime green with a big black peace sign. It's going to be really cool.
My Dream Room.
My dream room is like a haunted house sort of thing. I want a haunted house room because I like freaky things like lights going on and off, weird sounds, GHOST! My brother and I share a room so I don't know if Trevor would like the idea. I would like a scary room like a haunted house.
My Dream Room
My dream room kinda looks cool but I don't know. It is all a mixture of purple,blue,pink,and white. Some of the designs will all be swirled. It is going to be so cool!!!!!!!!!!
The Dream House
My room is rainbow. It has horse stickers on the wall and it has the world. It has green on the side of the wall. It has a big purple bed.
My dream Room.
My room has skate bords in it. It has bords on the sealing it has bords everywhere. The floor is bords. It's awsome.
My dream room
My dream room. This is my dream room. I would like my dream room to be like to have shelf's. With a lot of room and stuff to do.
A New Bedroom
My bedroom will be black with fire stickers on the wall. White carpet on the floor. And my bed will be black and blue.
Dream Room
I want a room that looked magical like with horses running wild that's my wall paper and my bed lake would be baby foals drinking out of the lake and when I get lonely I would have the stuffed racehorse Secretariat did you know that horse was a very famous horse and when I would get lonely I would sqeeze him and he would cheer me up.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Makeing Friends

Making Friends
I think if you be nice to them they'll want to be your friend. Also if you don't be annoying they'll want to be your friend. Oh, and if you let them do nice things for you you guys are already friends. That's your tip's.
What Are Some good to make a Friend?
Some good ways to make a friend is #one is be nice. #Two is help. #Three is play with the girl or the boy. #Four share. #Five be kind.
Being Friends.
You could go up to a new kid and talk to him or her. Then you can see if the want to play with you. Then you can be nice to them. Then you will be friends.
How to Make a Friend.
You can make some new friend's by asking them questions and let them ask you some too. It's great if you already have your own ways to do it but just I'm trying to make sure you know some nice ways to do it you could be nice to them and maybe they will be nice to. I just hope everyone in this entire world has a lot of friend's. PS. Maybe if you be nice and give them stuff and they might like you a little bit more than they did before.
Friends That I Love
If you are lonely and want some friends come down to Leo Little's big show!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really just trying to get you to jump up and get ready for this story I'm getting ready to tell you. Now if you want some friends all you have to do is be nice, helpful and say greetings when their new. Also you have tell a grown up that you trust if that new person is getting bullied tell them and then you will have a friend for life. Sometimes you can write a poem for them. That's what were doing in our classroom now and in my classroom I have many friends. So remember if you want a friend all you have to do is be nice.
Best friends
To make a friend is to say I will play with you or say may I play with you. Then you will have a friend or you call it a best friend best. I have five best friends. There is one more way to make best friends and it is give each ones names and you play with each other.
I make friends by just talking to them. My best friend and I have known each other for 3 years. That's kind of how we became best friends. We will always be best friends.
My good ways to make Friends
I can make friends by being nice. I have a lot of friends. I like to have friends. My friends rock.
Good ways to make friands
Start by going up to them. Then ask them what they like and talk. Then ask them if they want to be you friend. Then you have a friend.
Make a friend
If you want to make a friend you haft to be nice to them. I have a lots of friends. If someone
needs help I will help them get one. I like to help someone get a friend.
needs help I will help them get one. I like to help someone get a friend.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
cool umbrella
If I could design an umbrella, I would start by drawing it. Then I would make the skeleton as normal. I would design the fabric to be a monster truck theme. The monster truck I like the most is Maximum Destruction.
I would make it pink with purple dots. It would have sparkles too. It would also have little white crystals. Sounds amazing''right''?
Cool Umbrellas
If i made a umbrella It would have snakes . I hate unbrellas relly bad. umbrellas are cool but not to play with them. Umbrella are for to keep rain off of you.
My Fabulous Umbrella!
If I could design a umbrella it would beautiful. It would blue stripes and black stripes on top. It would also have purple and lime green stripes on the handle. I think it would be beautiful. Do you think it would be beautiful?
I Would like An Umbrella With skaters Grinding on Tony Hawk's Name.
It would Have skateboards grinding on Tony Hawk's name. It would be green with the skaters gray. It is awsome in my mind. Do you think it sounds cool.
The Cool Umbrella
- If I made a cool umbrella I would make the best. It will be soft and it will have your name on it. It will be beautiful. It is favorite color.
My cool Umbrella
If I could design an umbrella it would look like a T Rex. It would look cool. It would be big. It would be awesome.
The Cool Umbrella!
If I could make an umbrella it would be orange, blue, purple, green, and black. It would be bike a big Tye die silly band umbrella. I would love to do it and then make even more Tye die umbrellas and it would be so cool to try make a rainbow one. I would love to do it and then I'd do it my whole life.
Cool Umbrellas
If I could design a cool umbrella I would make some like were you could have your name on it. Like Emma or Maddie and then they could have any background they want. Like if Stephen wanted one I could ask him about all kinds of things like if he wanted dogs, trucks, tractors and houses any thing he would like. Then he could pick his own background. So when I grow up if you want a fancy umbrella come to me!
Designing a Cool Umbrella
If I could design a cool umbrella it would be all lime green with a big black peace sign in the middle. It would also have little black peace signs. I've just always liked peace signs. It would also have a few peace signs that was lime green but it would be black outside of it.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Going To The Dentist
My thoughts of going to the dentist is scary. I think it's scary because they have to give me a shot in the mouth. So does my brother. That's what I think
The Tooth Trip
What is my thoughts about going to thoughts about going to the dentist ? I love the cenimin taste . When they get the toothpaste gets in my mouth it taste funny. When they get the water in my mouth I love it. Then we get a toy.
What are my Thoughts About Going to the Dentist?
I think that going to the dentist is fun. After I get my checkup then dentist gives me a cone then I go git a toy. Then I am all don. I think the dentist is fun. Do you think the dentist is fun?
The dentist!!!
I do not want to be a dentist. It is not cool. It`s ugly. It`s not fun at all. It`s not fun to give shot`s in the gums.
My thoughts about going to the Dentist
My thoughts about going to the dentist. They are go to the dentist Arvy 6 mouths. It is sort of fun. Some times you get something.
The Dentist
My thoughts about the dentist are SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean not like scared of the dark or anything I mean like torture or something like that. I mean I like the end when you get a prize but not the part when they might have to yank your teeth out! Now thats torture! Sometimes the dentist can be a little scary like if the dentist has to give you a shot in the gums. Trust me its happened to me before here's what I think of that OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW! I was trying to kick him away from me exept that didn't work out so well because his assistant was holding me down but at least I got her down. I don't like the dentist. What do you think about the dentist?
going to the dentist
If I haft to go to the dentist I say no. I don't like the dentist because I thank I will get a teethe pulled out. I hate the dentist. The dentist are mean to me.
Dental Care
I think going to the dentist is kinda fun because at my dentist there is video games their and it's so cool. One time the dentist gave me a toy for being good while she worked on my tooth. It was even more fun than I imagined. You would like it the first time you do it. Just think how fun it would be to go to my dental care center.
Going to the Dentist
I like going to the dentist. Its kind of fun. But only if they don't put a crown on your tooth. I've had to do that a few times, and I don't like it at all. I went to the dentist like a month ago and I didn't have any cavities. There's 2 TVs in the rooms. There's 1 for when your sitting up and there's another 1 for when you have to lay down. That ones on the ceiling. I really like the dentist!
The Dentist
I do not like dentist appointments. One time my dentist had to pull out two of my teeth. I did not like to louse my teeth. I do like to watch TV when my dentist pulls my two teeth.
Thoughts About The Dentist.
When I was little I was scared to go to the Dentist. I thought they where going to drill in my teeth. But when I got older I Know that they aren't.
My Thoughts about the Dentist
I don't like going to the dentist. I don't like the dentist. I have to get my teeth worked on. It really stinks.
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Nice Thing
I helped my Grandma feed her pups. They where happy to see food. They where hungry. I love me.
The Nicest Thing I've ever don to another person.
The nicest thing I've ever don for another person is help clean. I help wash the bath tubs. I help wash the dishes. I help clean my puppy named Frosty like Frosty the snowman. I think cleaning is fun. I like to clean. Do you like to clean?
The nicest thing
The nicest thing I have ever done. is help them put away stuff. I helped Kenna do this. It goes much quicker then.
Helping my Friend
A long time ago when I was really little I was like 5 my mom opened the cabinet door and forgot what she wanted so I said did you want a piece of my gum? She said oh yeah that's what I wanted. My mom was surprised to figure out that a 5 year old could guess what she wanted when my mom didn't even tell me. I was surprised too.
My Nicest Thing
My nicest thing I've done for a person is become their friend. That's nice. Isn't it? I like helping people.
Being Nice
I did something nice to someone. I cleaned the house for my mom. She needed it. Then I had the greatest idea ever that I could be her servant to earn money.
The Nicest Thing I Have ever done
The nicest thing I have ever done for another is once I helped my stepbrother get his Sippy cup. Also this one time I helped my dad spell something he didn't know how to spell. I also helped my other brother he grabbed a tree branch like me and tried to jump across but he fell in ditch below so I had to pull him out. Have you ever done anything helpful.
You Are Nice
I am nice to people some times. I am nice to my friends. I help and be nice to my brother when he has a sore back. So I am very very nice too people. TEEHEE
The nicest thing!!!
The nicest thing I don is I helped my papa. It is fun helping people. It makes peoples job faster.It`s awesome helping. It`s awesome to do work for people.
How to help aother people when thay need help
The person I help is my papaw with the cows. The cows really mean. have to card papaw why he feeds the cows. I like helping papaw.
The Nicest Thing!
The nicest thing I've ever did for someone is I helped Mom, John, and Trevor drain our pool and refill it. It was fun but really hard to do it because we had to use a bucket to drain the pool and the family had a funny feeling inside them as they do it. Now I like doing it because it gives the family time to get together and have a little fun. Afterwards my brother helps me play DIARY of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw: the video game.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Talking Desk
If my desk could talk I would talk to it all day we would talk during math, reading, social studies and science. I would tell my desk all my secrets and it would tell me it's. I would take it with me to classes to! Me and my desk would be friends forever! What would you and your desk talk about if your desk could talk?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The desk that could talk
If my deck could talk ... that would be so cool. I would love it if my desk could talk. I would love to have a desk that could talk . If my family found out that I had a talking desk could talk they would freak out.
If My Desk Could Talk!
If my desk could talk it would say "I want some candy". But desk candy is pencil shavings. I would not sit at my desk. That would be funny.
if my desk could talk
If my desk could talk I would talk to it. If my desk could talk I would say desk do my homework. If my desk could talk I would say stop talking. If my desk could talk I would say desk do all the work.
My Desk Is Talking
If my desk could talk I would talk back to it. I would sing to my desk. I would make a birthday for my desk. I love my desk.
The Talking Desk
If my desk could talk I would talk to it all day. I would also make it eat my homework. Having a desk that can talk is so cool. Like I said it's cool, But I think I'll leave it the same way that it is now
Talking Desks
If any desk could talk I would want it to say Mrs. Knust Rocks! I want it to say that. Mrs. Knust is the nicest teacher. I bet any desk would say that. Mrs. Knust is my favorite teacher!
Talking Desk
If my desk could talk that would be so cool. We could talk all day. But she probably only likes pencils and erasers. HA HA HA HA.
Talking Desk!
If my desk could talk I'd make my own talking desk company and make a lot of money. Then when I'm older I would make a weird looking car with three doors and has eight windows. I would have some funny looking stuff and cool company.
My talking desk!!!
If my desk could talk I would ask it If It could get some stuff for me. It would be awesome. I would get me all kind of stuff. It would be cool.
My Hunted Desk
If my desk could talk I'd think it was hunted. If I had a hunted desk I'd think it was cool. I 'd get a lot of attention. I 'd like to have a hunted desk.
If my desk could talk
If my desk could talk I would tell it stay still. So I could do my work. It would be hard to do work when it was moving. when I would be gone I would tell it have fun.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Mr. Clauss came to our class and used the clickers with my students to play a game with review questions I had made up. The clickers I like remote controls. The kids click a letter to answer the multiple choice question and then they see if they got it right but the other students do not know whether their friends got the answer right or wrong. The teacher can look back to see who answered correctly and who did not and will know which questions may need to be covered again. The kids loved this!
Groundhog Day
Hi. I hope the groundhog does not see it shadow. I wish winter was over with. It very cold down here. I am ready for spring.
Graundhog see your shatow
I want graundhog see it,s shatow. I want him to see it. I want it to skar him. He needs to see his shatow.
did He see his shadow!!!
I think he did not see his shadow. Groundhogs do not see shadows. They can`t see it. That`s why.
Don't see your Shadow
Groundhog don't see your shadow please. I don't like the winter. I like Spring. Please don't see your shadow.
groundhog day
I think he want see his shodow. cause it is normer rong. I don't want more snow. I aslo want summer.
Groundhog Don''t see your shadow!!!!!!!
I don't want the Groundhog to see his shadow because I want to be over with this very very soon. I DON'T want him to see his shadow. It is so much more fun when you get to go outside and play, swim, and have a cook out. A lot of people want to go back outside so I hope he won't SEE HIS SHADOW!
Will there be 6 more weeks of winter
I hope the groundhog does not see his shadow because I don't want there to be 6 more weeks of winter. I don't like winter because it's cold. I herd that the Chicago and Indianapolis got 15 inches of snow so those schools got shut down. There are lucky. Also the Smokey Mouitains got 20 inches of snow. Boy, I wish there were 30 inches of snow here in Otwell. So I'm pretty sure there is going to be 6 more weeks of winter man wish there was snow don't want to be stuck in school FOREVER:(
Groundhog Day
I hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow. I'm tired of being sick. I want to go swim at the pool. I want to invite my friends over again. I don't want to go outside and want to go back in because its to cold out. Winter isn't fun anymore.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I think you tell us to read ar to teach us that if you read you will become smarter. That's why. Also you want us to pass our goals, get 100% on the test's to. I think reading is fun when I get older I might right a few story's of my own and become a great athour. So tell your children if they don't read tell them to not be lazy and read a book bcause some of them are very, very, very cool.
I think you want us to read are AR book so we can earn more AR points. That's OK because I like to read. It's so fun to read. I do it all the time.
Encourage For You
You encourage us so we can reach are AR goal. We can win lots of prizes . You can also win pop. IT is rely cool. Thanks For Reading
My Goal
I need to make my goal. I am really close to my goal. I need to make my AR goal because so I can move in to next grade. To make my AR goal.
Reading Our AR Books
Our teacher will encourage us to read our AR book because she wants us to make our goal. I've made my goal every time because the teachers helped and my mom helped. I'm almost to my goal. I just need a few more points.
I think Mrs.Knust encourages us to read our AR book so we get a good grade on AR. We all love AR a lot. I think some of us will be great readers when we grow up. Some of us are going to read all our lives and some will not. But right now Mrs.Knust encourages to get good grades this year and we thank her for that!
So we don't forget how to read. also get are AR goal. pobley to have fun. so we can get a new one.
wuat is AR
AR is to reach your goal. If you reach your goal you get points. My goal is rite now is 12.4. I past My goal. Me and my family is happy for me.
The Reason
I think you encourage to read AR because you want us to read. You want us to like books. I think that you thank that reading is fun and that is why you want us to read. I think reading is fun.
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